Thursday, February 19, 2009

Red Shoes Red Shoes

Today was a fun day in Creative Writing! We're starting our children's books and I'm really excited. I don't know why, but I've always wanted to write a children's book. I mean, I know I want to continue writing for fun and I've got two novels started and two more completely planned out. And for whatever reason I've always had this urge to write a children's book. My friend is really good at art and the plan was I would write it and she would illustrate it. Our book was going to be called The Mouse Who Wore Red Shoes. And it was going to be about a little mouse wore loved his little red shoes but everyone made fun of him for it. Maybe I'll still do that for class... I guess it depends on what our teacher says we need to do.
I think there is a song called Red Shoes... I just can't remember exactly how it goes or even if it exists. Maybe I'm imagining things...

1 comment:

  1. I liked writing the children's book, too, although I kinda had a few problems with it... I almost had to 'dumb' myself down because little kids would be reading them, after all. ;)
    Good Luck!
