Monday, May 18, 2009

Short Story Angst

I can't decide how I feel about my short story. I liked it... and then not so much. So I rewrote it, starting from scratch. But still I just don't have a big connection to it like I usually like to have with my writings. I tend to have a deep connection with my writing and thus I feel like it is my best work I could produce.

But for this short story, that feeling just isn't there. I don't know why, it just isn't. And thus I fee like this short story is... horrible. I'm not sure if it actually is or not, it's tough to tell.

I thought of maybe just starting completely over, from scratch. As in a totally new topic. Mr. A isn't in class at this moment, so I guess if the substitute doesn't collect our stories, I might redo it tonight. Hm... that's an option I guess.