Monday, May 18, 2009

Short Story Angst

I can't decide how I feel about my short story. I liked it... and then not so much. So I rewrote it, starting from scratch. But still I just don't have a big connection to it like I usually like to have with my writings. I tend to have a deep connection with my writing and thus I feel like it is my best work I could produce.

But for this short story, that feeling just isn't there. I don't know why, it just isn't. And thus I fee like this short story is... horrible. I'm not sure if it actually is or not, it's tough to tell.

I thought of maybe just starting completely over, from scratch. As in a totally new topic. Mr. A isn't in class at this moment, so I guess if the substitute doesn't collect our stories, I might redo it tonight. Hm... that's an option I guess.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Have You Heard?

Rumor in St. Petersburgh

People In Line:
An Old Woman: St. Petersburg is gloomy!

A Younger Woman: St. Petersburg is bleak!

A Shivering Man: My underwear got frozen standing here all week!

A Group: Oh, since the revolution our lives have been so gray!

All: Thank Goodness for the gossip that gets us through the day! Hey! Have you heard! There's a rumor in St. Petersburg? Have you heard? What they're saying on the street? Although the Tsar did not survive, One daughter may be still alive! The Princess Anastasia!

Frightened Man: But please do not repeat!

All: It's a rumor, A legend A mystery! Something whispered in an alleyway Or through a crack! It's a rumor That's part of our history.

A Babushka: They say her royal grandmama Will pay a royal sum

All: To someone who can bring the princess back!

Black Marketeers #1: A ruble for this painting! It's Romanov, I swear!

#2: Count Yusopov's pajamas! Comrade, buy the pair!

#3: (holding a ratty fur hat) I got this from the palace. It's lined with real fur!

Black Marketeers: It could be worth a fortune If it belonged to her!

Dimitri: It's the rumor. The legend, The mystery! It's the Princess Anastasia who will help us fly! You and I friend will go down In history! We'll find a girl to play the part and teach her what to say, Dress her up and take her to Paree! Imagine the reward her dear old Grandmama will pay! Who else could pull it off but you and me? We'll be rich!

Vladimir: We'll be rich!

Dimitri: We'll be out!

Vladimir: We'll be out!

Both: And St. Petersburg will have some more to talk about!

All: SSH! Have you heard! There's a rumor in St. Petersburg? Have you heard? What they're saying on the street? Hey! Hey! Hey! Have you heard! There's a rumor in St. Petersburg? Have you heard?

A delighted gossiper: Comrade, what do you suppose?

All: A fascinating mystery!

Dimitri: The biggest con in history!

All: The princess Anastasia, alive or dead.

Window Washer: Who knows?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Glitter of a Butterfly

The soft yellow glitter sprinkled across the grass, forgotten from its owner. It sparkled in the sun, like dust from an unknown world. The soft breeze picked up the glitter, sending them off to visit the world.

But behind the breeze was the life the glitter had left behind. The cool shade of the trees fell across the remains of the beauty that had been. Without the glitter, the life was gone, just an empty beauty.

The wind took the glitter to a new world, the life it left behind continued on to its own new world. Flying high, the sparkling glitter reached the sun, swinging in the breeze and caressing the clouds. And the life flew high too, but flying past the warm touch of the sun and into the world beyond.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mr. Ackerman

Oi. So apparently doesn't like me. Because it just imploded on me. Twas sad.

Anyways, Mr. Ackerman wanted me to post a post here. Well for his information, I update my other one (Click here!

So there Mr. Ackerman, happy now?

(I already know the answer to that question. NO.)