Thursday, January 22, 2009


Once upon a time, high high in the sky (10,000 feet in the air to be precise) lived an animated little figure by the name of Fawning Parasite. She was an animated little figure who enjoyed reading and writing. One day, while she was at school, a teacher appeared and instructed her to create a blog. Fawning Parasite clapped her hands and it was so. She decided to write about her writings and such, as instructed by her mentor. And so, let us begin this quaint little story entitled, 10,000 Ft. in the Air.

Today has been an interesting day in the life of an animated little figure in a way. All day in school we haven't done much. I watched Hamlet (such a sad ending) then had a math study hall, followed by a LONG Spanish period, another study hall, some musical times in band, and then here and now, creative writing, where I have created this blog. I think I'm going to enjoy this creative writing class. I know a lot of the girls in here and the teacher is nice. Plus I love to write. So it all kind of works out. Anywho, I guess we'll just see where this goes.

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